Thursday, November 23, 2006

Camping Trip

First Jade picked me up from my house and said "we are going camping for the weekend".

So I set off to my bedroom to pack. It looked like
I was going for a week! Jade and her two best friends Jazzmin & Tiffany were in the car as well. We drove for two hours before we got there but we had to stop and pick up Jade's cousin Daniel.

When we got there I was busting to go to the toilet!

After I got out of the toilet I went for a little ride on the motor bike around in circles. Lucky for me I didn't fall off!

It was realy hot! That day so I chilled out for a while and took a ride in the back of Jade's Brother trailer I almost drank a whole bottle of water.

We had a long day! So I went to sleep while Jade, Jazzmin and Tiffany watched the portable DVD player. GOODNIGHT!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fun in the sun

First I had a ride in Tayla's backpack. Then we went to Shani's house and saw her rabbits Dasiy May and Lilly.

After Tayla had an iceblock and some honey wheats, then we went to Tayla's house and she showed me around it was so big.

Next Shani dressed me in Tayla's swimmers and Tayla and Shani went for a swim it was too cold for me, so I just sunbacked. Then when I was sunbacking a huge shadow apperared it was her three dogs Milly May, Penny and Ellie. They are so cute.

After that we walked Shani home and then watched tv. Then we had dinner and watched more tv. After Tayla had a shower I waited in her room.

Next we went on msn and the internet, we stayed on that for 1 hour. After we watched more more tv and then Tayla brushed her teeth
and then we went to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


A romantic dinner

On friday I got sent home with Jazzmin. She showed me her house it was huge. I got lost three times trying to find the toilet. Jazzmin's mum was making spaggetti bolanaise for tea. Jazzmin had a superise for me so I had to get ready. She let me try on some of her shoes. It was fun.

It was tea time and Jazzmin had set up a romantic dinner for me with one of her teddies. Me and Rosa, who was my date started eating dinner.

I like Rosa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chillin with Alex

At Alex's house I had so much fun, we went motorbike riding and I pulled off a backflip it was mad. Alex was nice he let me ride his motorbike.

After we got clean and we had dinner. After dinner we watched T.V for hours. In the morning we managed to have a skate and before we had to go to school we had a game of pool which I won. But I think Alex let me win.

Then Alex's mum drove us to school and that's my stay at Alex's house.

P.S I had to sleep in his school bag.

Fun at Jessica's house

Yesterday I went home with Jessica.

First we went home and she showed me around her house the best part I liked was meeting new toys. After she showed me around we went down stairs and had a snack, I had some honey and Jessica had some fruit salad. Then we went up stairs and started playing a X box game called Tojam and Earl, to play the game you have to collect all the keys and presents.

Next we went outside and played with Jessica's cat (Molly). When it was 4:30pm we hoped into Jessica's car and drove off to Gymnastics because Jessica's sister (Rachel) has to go every Wenendsday. When we got there both me and Jessica sat down and watched Rachel do gym.

After a while we hoped back into the car and went to the Warilla Libary and read a couple of books, my favorite was the ''Teddy Bear Book''. After all that reading we went back to the gym and picked Rachel up.

Finally we are home and now we can eat dinner. We are having chiken and salad. Now to go to bed Goodnight!
