Saturday, August 18, 2007

Terry and Teresa - ready to save the world!!!

This weekend we went to stay at Jacqui's house on Friday night and then Terry went to Aleida's house on Saturday.

Terry and I spent a very interesting day at the Fire Station learning how to save the world. We met the fire station bear (Dave). First he showed us around the fire station, then through the command centre. Here we are in one of the Fire trucks with Aleida.

Then Dave showed us how to work the pump on the Fire Truck. The pump is important because it sends the water to the firefighters putting out the fire.

Here I am learning to use the radio.

Terry was made Honorary Captain for the day

After that we sat with Dave on the front bumper of the fire truck looking for out for smoke.

Here we both are hanging around next to the command vehicle.

Now that we have finished our training, we are now ready to save the world!!!!!
(if it catches fire.)

Thank you Jacqui and Aleida for taking us to the Fire Station to meet Dave we had a great day and we are looking forward to putting out fires this summer.

Terry and Teresa.