Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My most exciting weekend ever

On Friday afternoon I walked home with Hayley. Once we arrived at her awesome house, we packed our bags to go to Sydney. When we finally arrived in Sydney, we travelled to Sutherland Hospital, to see Hayley's new baby cousin Thoran. He is soooo cute. After we had visited Hayley's adorable new cousin, we hopped in the car and drove to Sutherland. After we arrived, Hayley's uncle Andrew, cooked us a tasty hawaiian pizza. When we finished at Andrew's house we drove to Hayley's nanny's house. It is soooo big and full of surprises. I played with Hayley's cousin Tomas and her brother Patrick. It was super fun. The next day we had to go because Hayley had a sleepover party to get ready for. It was really fun to get everthing sorted for everyone else. We made the lollybags and snuck a few yummy lollies and chocolates. When Hayley's friends Abby, Danielle and Rachel. Aftyer everyone arrived we opened Hayley's presents.

Weekend at Abbys

Friday afternoon I went home with Abby. When we got to her house we had a great time listening to her music and watching t.v. After all that we spent so time kicking the ball around with her neighbour Jayden. After we had to go inside and have dinner it was great we had pies and vegetables. After dinner we spent time watching t.v then we had to go to bed (that was a bummer). On Saturday we were getting ready to go to Hayley's birthday sleepover party my sister was going to be there to. when we arrived at Hayley's place